First, let me just give thanks to God for blessing me with a son. I seriously do not know what I would have done with a girl. Yes, I love hair & makeup & heels but my last adventure thoroughly convinced me, I am better off with his wild escapades. Let me explain what prompted these thoughts.....
I had the blessing of assisting a friend's daughter with her hair and make up for prom. Later that week, I did her make up for a "scholarship program" where she competed in multiple categories to show her all around ability. While sitting in the auditorium waiting for the program to begin, I text'ed my son, who was at a friend's home. Being 15, he is into all sorts of mess, so my text read: "No motorized equipment, fire, or guns." I had to chuckle, because it was the polar opposite of my friend's thought process. She was worried about her daughter nailing the fitness routine, remembering her dance for talent, and smiling for the judges. Although I was nervous for her daughter, I had the presence of mind to give thanks for my different set of worries.
After the program was completed and all awards were announced, the brutal truth hit me in the face. My friend's daughter had not received a single accolade. Not ONE! While she stood on that stage smiling, I knew her heart must be crushed! How very sad that those judges did not once consider the feelings of this young girl. She stood there, while ALL of the others received one, two, even three awards, with NOTHING to show for her efforts. To say I was appalled, is putting it mildly. It boggles the mind at how adults can be so careless with a child's heart. This young lady is a sold out believer, an athlete, and a scholar, yet she went unnoticed.
It made me think long and hard about this world. This world is full of sin, and thus so are the people of this world. If you do not know our Maker then you have no regard for His creatures. What a sad testament to our town and these judges. This young girl's heart and esteem will mend, because of her love for the Lord. She knows His promises! "He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted" (Isaiah 61:11). God gave His Son specifically for our broken heart. What joy there is to be found in knowing that our God loved us enough to prepare for the day when our hearts would be broken. This is good news! But even better news is that although the world doesn't appear to see her worth, GOD DOES! He says that even "Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed." (Isaiah 54:10).
He calls us HIS CHILDREN. While I was text'ing my son and she was worried about her daughter, God was probably thinking, "They are mine and I hold them in My Hand. I love them more than you can ever imagine and I work all things for My glory" (my paraphrase, of course). This lesson in the valley of life can and will be used by our Lord, for His glory. I know this precious lady and I know she will find a way to show God's love, peace, and glory through this awful ordeal~ I just pray we adults can do the same.
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